My French village is not in the guidebooks. It’s not swarming with sweaty tourists in shabby shorts. So what’s so special?
Adventures Abroad
The joys of expat housing can be many, but screechy concerts on the roof and crappy plumbing are not among them.
Oh, the things you learn about the toilets of the world! Expat life offers you wonderful opportunities to try out all sorts. I’ll try and keep it clean.
Making a fool of yourself abroad is easy, especially if you have to sexily swing your hips and twirl your hands.
- Adventures AbroadExpat HumorExpat TroubleLiving in Africa
Expat Adventure: Oh, the Things You Learn!
Here she was, a lapsed Lutheran female in a smelly animal market trying to buy a sheep from a long-robed male Muslim trader. Oh, the things you learn!