Expat Life: Hilarious Services

by Miss Footloose

Do you love to complain about the miseries of your expat life? About how nothing works and they don’t import your favorite brand of peanut butter and the streets are full of potholes. No? Me neither.

Well, I must admit to an occasional lapse when the internet doesn’t work.  Generally though, I find it more interesting to look for the amusing side of life in a foreign country. It helps to keep the budget for antidepressants at a manageable level.

The most fun I had living abroad was in Ghana, West Africa, where I actually lived twice, for a total of almost 8 years. (Our first daughter was born there, delivered by a doctor wearing a butcher apron and rubber boots, but that’s another story.) What I love about Ghana is not the steamy tropical climate, the malarial mosquitoes and the power outages. What I love most is the people.

Ghanaians are outgoing, down to earth and they say it as they see it. They have a fun sense of humor and it’s easy to joke and laugh with them. Of course the fact that English is the official language is a big bonus.

It is easy to recognize the Ghanaian character by looking at the posters, bill boards and shop signs you find everywhere along the roads and streets. You can even see it in their coffins. In the coffins of the well to do, at any rate.

Ghana coffins

Coffins: lobster, pineapple, beer bottle and others. Design your own.

So for your entertainment, here are some more photos expressing the Ghanaian character and culture.

Ghanaian restroom

Is this clear?

Do you need computer classes? Are you a Christian person? Here’s the place for you:

Peace and Love, but if you are a lazy man, don’t come here to eat. Click on photo for more fun info.

Peace and Love Spot

Are you suffering? Here’s the place to go:

Ghanaian herbal remedies

A cure for everything

And here a poster that needs no explanation:

Ghana AIDS poster

This is probably enough for today.

* * *

In what country did you most enjoy the people and the culture? Or what do you like most about the characteristics of your own people?

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Those posters are absolutely marvelous! I knew several Ghanaians in Japan and they were all extraordinary people. In Japan, foreigners often complained about not having the creature comforts of their own countries, which was puzzling; we were all there by choice, generally to make money. We were treated well, and the Japanese people were, on the whole, kind and helpful — and yet, people whined. On the other hand, the people with genuine criticisms of Japanese society or political/social policies have a right to express them. But then I feel the same way about America: keep the whining to a… Read more »

Those Ghanians have a wonderful sense of humour – love all these signs!

I was at a funeral yesterday and people remarked on how beautiful the coffin was. I think the lobster coffin, the beer coffin and all the others are amazing. It definitely puts a smile on your face when you attend a funeral. Great photos as usual. I wonder if it’s still the same today.

This post was hilarious and makes me want to know more Ghanian people. I have one friend from Ghana here in Istanbul and I can’t wait to share this post with him. What a hoot! And the world needs more people who call it like they see it.

And don’t forget: humour! The english have a terrific sense of humour. Which makes it al bearable…

guyana gyal

Count me in, I love British humour 🙂

It that sense the UK is sometimes like a developing country. I had a day of no internet this week 😉 And you should see the potholes. I have been in Asian/ African hospitals looking fancier than the ones here. My husband says that all should help me feel at home. Haha, since I grew up in developing countries and they always make me feel at home. It is partly the heat (hate this january weather in northern europa) but more the relaxed mentality. The family feelings. The fact that tomorrow is as good as today. Less stress. More fun.… Read more »


I thought that where my husband and I lives is the funniest but reading your blog and looking at your photos just made me burst to laughter. The signage can’t be more visual. Perfect description. Plain and simple.

Thanks for sharing.

Miss Mazor

No food for lazy man, a great market idea for a name, I really laughed at the “Don`t get pregnant” sign, they sure do know how to speak to the people there.

The funerals must be a blast with coffins like that! 🙂 What a fabulously ebullient people they must be.

Excellent pictures ! they speak by themselves. I really enjoy your blog ! Thank you for sharing.


I absolutely loved your photos and you really must have laughed a lot in Ghana. I was there for just a long weekend and took 500 photos of various ‘hilarious’ signs etc etc and the people were lovely. Here in Lagos we are having a break from a National Strike and were allowed ‘out’ today to shop after being in lockdown for 5 days. I had a giggle to myself that they take the weekend off from striking so they can watch football and go to church.

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