Are you a Westerner living the expat life in a developing country? Then you know what happens when you visit the place where your roots are. We all experience the …
Have you heard the stories about Amsterdam, city of decadence and debauchery? The city sports a Hash Museum, an Erotic Museum, cannabis-selling “coffee shops,” a yearly Gay Pride Parade and …
Do you hate Dutch food? Ever had real homemade erwtensoep? Probably not. Dutch food is not one of the cuisines much admired in the world, but it is the one …
Dear readers far and wide: I know there is a question that has lingered unanswered in your mind for a long time. It has caused you sleepless nights and restless days …
Happy New Year! On New Year’s Eve in my native Holland (properly called The Netherlands) people go out into the streets — no matter what the weather — and …